Scribblenauts Wiki
Starite Fake This article is a featured article on the Scribblenauts Wiki!
A10-11 s

Don't sweat it!







A10-11 is the final action level in Scribblenauts.

Objects and NPCs: Behemoth, Blue Button, Blue Switch, Death, Green Button, Green Switch, Jeremiah, Large Steel Door Blue, Large Steel Door Green, Large Steel Door Red, Large Steel Gate, Large Steel Spike (x15), Marius, Matt Cox, Red Switch, Scythe


"It's the last level!"


  • Walk to the Starite and pick it up (the doors will slowly open after you approach them). This is probably the easiest level, and is cleverly disguised as the hardest level in the game. The switches and buttons are unreachable through normal play, and even with the handcuffs+vending machine cheat, they still do nothing when pressed or pushed.



  • A10-11 is the final level found within Scribblenauts.  Despite posing as the hardest level within the game, it is actually the easiest of all, with minimal effort needed to reach the end.
  • This level is by far the best level for getting Ollars, as it has an absurdly high Par with no actual need to summon any objects, and the level can be beaten in as little as 7 seconds. You can expect to earn around 6,900 Ø every time you beat the level, and after 6 plays of the level, you should have gained enough to buy every avatar and song in the Ollar Store.
  • This is also a good level to obtain Merits, as you have a bit of space and are unobstructed with basically no objective, and the level can be beaten basically immediately whenever you feel like it.