Scribblenauts Wiki
Bird SU

in Scribblenauts Unmasked


Animal, Bird, Herbivore, Small




Akeke'E, Akepa, Alseonax, American Barbet, Ant Tanager, Antpecker, Attila, Avadavat, Babbler, Bald Crow, Bamboo Tyrant, Baya, Bengalese, Bentbill, Bishop (Bird), Black Tyrant, Blue Flycatcher, Bluebill, Brambling, Bristle Tyrant, Buffalo Weaver, Bullfinch, Bush Tyrant, Cactus Finch, Casiornis, Chaffinch, Chat-Tanager, Chat-Tyrant, Chatterer, Chebec (Bird), Chlorophonia, Citril, Cochoa, Cordon Bleu, Crested Flycatcher, Crimsonwing, Crossbill, Dipper, Diuca Finch, Doradito, Elaenia, Emutail, Euphonia, Finch, Firefinch, Firetail, Flatbill, Flycatcher, Flycatcher-Babbler, Flycatcher-Warbler, Forest Flycatcher, Fruithunter, Geomalia, Gibberbird, Golden Weaver, Goldfinch, Grandala, Grass Finch, Grass Tyrant, Great Kiskadee, Greenfinch, Grenadier (Bird), Ground Finch, Ground Tyrant, Hawfinch, Hill Babbler, Honeycreeper, Hylia, Hypocolius, Inca Finch, Iora, Jewel Babbler, Jungle Flycatcher, Kiskadee, Koa Finch, Korohea, Leafbird, Linnet, Locustfinch, Longclaw, Magpie-Lark, Mannikin (Bird), Masked Weaver, Mesia, Miniature Babbler, Minla, Mohua, Monarch (Bird), Mountain Babbler, Mountain Finch, Mudlark, Munia, Negrofinch, Nicator, Nigrita, Niltava, Oliveback, Ou, Ouzel, Palila, Palm Tanager, Pampa Finch, Paradise Flycatcher, Parrotfinch, Peewee, Picatharte, Picathartes, Pied Babbler, Piopio, Piopio Kata, Ploughbill, Plushcap, Poouli, Pseudo-Babbler, Pygmy Babbler, Pygmy Tyrant, Pytilia, Quailfinch, Rail-Babbler, Reed Finch, Reedling, Rockfowl, Rosefinch, Rosy Finch, Rush Tyrant, Saltator, Scimitar Babbler, Scrub Flycatcher, Seedcracker, Shrike-Tyrant, Silverbill, Silverbird, Sirystes, Siskin, Siva, Solitaire, Spink, Striped Babbler, Suiriri, Swee, Tachuri, Tanager Finch, Thrush-Babbler, Thrush-Tanager, Tit-Babbler, Tit-Flycatcher, Tit-Tyrant, Tiutiu Kata, Tody-Flycatcher, Tody-Tyrant, Torrent Lark, Tree Finch, Trembler, Twinspot, Twistwing, Twite, Tyrannulet, Tyrant, Ula-Ai-Hawane, Wagtail-Tyrant, Water Tyrant, Waxbill, Weaver (Bird), Widow (Bird), Wren-Babbler, Yellow Finch, Yellow Wagtail, Yellowhead

Available in

Scribblenauts, Super Scribblenauts, Scribblenauts Remix, Scribblenauts Unlimited, Scribblenauts Unmasked, Scribblenauts Showdown, Scribblenauts Mega Pack

A bird is a feathered bipedal animal in the class Aves, known for their ability to fly. The generic "bird" object in the Scribblenauts series is represented by a small yellow passerine. Its synonyms refer to yellow birds from various families, including weavers, thrushes, and flycatchers, among others.


Birds eat bird seed and worms. They are interested in bird houses and nests. If an egg is placed near a bird, the bird will be hostile to anyone who picks up or breaks the egg. If a bird takes a pill, it will explode.


  • Bird is one of the most synonymous words in the series, with more than 170 synonyms.

See Also[]

