Scribblenauts Wiki
Black Hole
Black Hole

in Scribblenauts Unlimited


Material, Magnet, Destroys


Destroy entities.


Anything, Event Horizon, Infinity, Nothing, Singularity, Strangelet, Twilight (Scribblenauts only), Wormhole

Available in

Scribblenauts, Super Scribblenauts, Scribblenauts Remix, Scribblenauts Unlimited, Scribblenauts Unmasked, Scribblenauts Showdown, Scribblenauts Mega Pack

Scribblenauts item black hole

Old Sprite

The Black Hole is an incredibly dense object. Its gravity so strong, it pulls in and completely destroys everything around it.



This word creates a blue and purple swirl that is not affected by gravity. It will pull any object placed near it, including the player, and destroy it. After 2 seconds it will self-destruct.

If you select a cat while holding a bread, an use action button will appear, selecting it causes a black hole to appear.

Super Scribblenauts and Remix[]

It maintained most of its behaviors from the previous game. However, differently from the previous game, it will slowly grow bigger and bigger, after 5 seconds it will reset the level, in a similar way to an activated nuke.

Scribblenauts Unlimited[]

It will pull nearby objects and destroy it, except for the player, which is not affected by it. It is indestructible and weights the same as a planet, which means it's not affected by gravity. Differently from the previous games, it won't disappear after a period of time.

Its design also changed, the swirl became a particle effect and the object itself became a featureless black circle. Also, selecting a cat while holding a bread causes a combine action button to appear instead of a use one.

Scribblenauts Unmasked[]

It retained most of its properties from the previous game. However, in a similar way to its first appearance, it will self-destruct after 5 seconds.

See Also[]



Materials magnet blackholeanim

The unused design for the black hole.

  • The cat and bread behavior is a reference to the cat-toast paradox, the “paradox” states that cats always land on their feet and toast always lands buttered-side down, so dropping a cat with buttered toast on its back creates an impossible situation.
  • There is an unused design for the Black Hole in the files of Scribblenauts Unlimited, it's more similar to its design in Scribblenauts and Super Scribblenauts.