Scribblenauts Wiki
Black Hole
Black Hole


Apocalypse Item


Destroys Level/Sucks in entities


Antimatter, Anything, Dark Matter, Event Horizon, Everything, Infinity, Nothing, Singularity, Twilight (Scribblenauts Only), Strangelet

Available in

Scribblenauts, Super Scribblenauts, Scribblenauts Remix

Kills everything. If you are too close, it will kill you too, even in Free play mode. In Super Scribblenauts, it simply destroys the level. In Scribblenauts Unlimited, it is a black dot then when placed, generates a black hole animation that sucks in and destroys all nearby things except Maxwell.


  • Can be used to destroy enemies.
  • Sucks in anything that can harm you.
  • If used correctly, you can make the starite come to you or you float to the starite.
  • Hold Bread and click a cat. Press the choice "use". The cat will transform into a black hole. This is a reference to a popular paradox in popular culture that combines the beliefs that toast always lands buttered-side down, while cats land on their feet. The paradox comes as a result of attatching the toast buttered side up to the cat's back, resulting in a dilemma between which side would logically land down, hence why reality collapses.
Scribblenauts item black hole

Old Sprite
