Adjectives are a new mechanic introduced in the follow-up game to Scribblenauts, Super Scribblenauts. An adjective is a word that describes a noun, such as happy, angry, hot or cold.
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- Ablutophobic
- Aboriginal
- Aboveground
- Absent
- Absolute
- Absurd
- Accessible
- Accurate
- Acidic
- Acidophobic
- Acrophobic
- Activated
- Adamantium (Adjective)
- Addictive
- Adolescent (Adjective)
- Adult (Adjective)
- Aerophobic
- Agoraphobic
- Agricultural
- Agrostographic
- Ailurophilic
- Ailurophobic
- Albino
- Algophobic
- Alien (Adjective)
- Alkalic
- Allergic
- Almondy
- Alphabetic
- Alphanumeric
- Alternate
- Alternative
- Amaranth (Adjective)
- Amaxophobic
- Amber (Adjective)
- Ammonic
- Ammophilic
- Amoebalike
- Amphisbaenian
- Amputated
- Amused
- Anachronistic
- Anarchistic
- Ancient (Adjective)
- Androgynous
- Androphagous
- Anesthetic
- Angelic
- Angry
- Anhydrite (Adjective)
- Animist
- Annoying
- Antarthritic
- Antelopian
- Anthophilic
- Anthophobic
- Anthropocentric
- Anthropological
- Anthropophobic
- Antidotal
- Antimediaeval
- Antimonarch
- Antiphilosophical
- Antipolitical
- Antischool
- Antiviral
- Antlered
- Apelike
- Apiological
- Apiphobic
- Apothecial
- Apple (Adjective)
- Aquaphobic
- Arachnivorous
- Arachnological
- Arachnophobic
- Arboricultural
- Archaeological
- Architectural
- Archival
- Arctophilic
- Argyle
- Aristocratic
- Armed
- Armless
- Armored
- Armour-piercing
- Arthritic
- Artificial
- Artistic
- Asbestous
- Ash (Adjective)
- Ashamed
- Asparaginous
- Asphalt (Adjective)
- Astraphobic
- Astrological
- Astronomical
- Astrophilic
- Atheistic
- Atrophied
- Auburn
- Aurorean
- Authorized
- Automatic
- Automotive
- Autositic
- Autotuned
- Autumnal
- Avian
- Aviophobic
- Awkward
- Azure
- Baby (Adjective)
- Baccivorous
- Bacillophobic
- Bacterial
- Bactericidal
- Bacteriologic
- Bald
- Balletic
- Ballistic
- Balloon (Adjective)
- Balneological
- Balsamic (Adjective)
- Bamboo (Adjective)
- Banana (Adjective)
- Bannered
- Barbaric
- Bardlike
- Barking
- Barky
- Baroque
- Bearded
- Bearish
- Bee-Like
- Berrylike
- Bespectacled
- Bibliophilic
- Biodegradable
- Biological
- Blind
- Bloodshot
- Blue
- Blueberry (Adjective)
- Boiled
- Boiling
- Bored
- Botanical
- Bouncy
- Brainy
- Brass (Adjective)
- Breezy
- Brick (Adjective)
- Bridal
- Brindle
- Broad
- Brokenhearted
- Brotherlike
- Brown
- Bubbleblowing
- Bulletproof
- Bulllike
- Bumpkinly
- Bumpy
- Bunny-shooting
- Buoyant
- Bureaucratic
- Burglarproof