Church | |
![]() | |
Type |
Big, Places, Religion |
Behavior |
Decorative |
Synonyms |
Abbey, Bethel, Cathedral (Scribblenauts only), Convent, Chancel, Chantry, Chapel, Cloister, House of Worship, Oratory, Parish, Sacellum |
Available in |
Scribblenauts, Super Scribblenauts, Scribblenauts Remix, Scribblenauts Unlimited, Scribblenauts Unmasked, Scribblenauts Showdown, Scribblenauts Mega Pack |

Old Sprite
A Church is a building with a cross on top. In older versions of the game, it contains a Priest.
Like other religious objects, it is indestructible. If you place a devil or a demonic thing next to it, they will fear it.
Language | Name | Synonyms |
🇺🇸 | Church | Abbey, Bethel, Cathedral (Scribblenauts only), Convent, Chancel, Chantry, Chapel, Cloister, House of Worship, Oratory, Parish, Sacellum |
🇦🇪 | كنيسة | دير, كنيسة الدير, بيثيل, كاتدرائية, دير, شانسل, كنيسة صغيرة, مصلى كنسي, دار عبادة, أبرشية, |
🇧🇩 | গির্জা | |
🇧🇬 | Църква | Абатство, черква |
🇦🇩 | Església | Abadia |
🇨🇳 | 教堂 | 修道院 |
🇭🇷 | Crkva | Opatija |
🇨🇿 | Kostel | Opatství |
🇩🇰 | Kirke | Kloster |
🇳🇱 | Kerkgebouw | Abdij, Kathedraal (Scribblenauts only), Kansel, Kapel, Kerk, Klooster, Gebedshuis |
🇫🇮 | Kirkko | Luostari |
🇫🇷 | Église | Abbatiale, Abbaye, Cathédrale (Scribblenauts only), Chœur, Chapelle, Cloître, Maison de Dieu |
🇩🇪 | Abtei | Gotteshaus, Kathedrale (Scribblenauts only), Kapelle, Kirche |
🇬🇷 | Εκκλησία | Αβαείο, Αββαείο, χριστιανικός ναός |
🇮🇱 | כנסייה | אַבָּטִיה |
🇮🇳 | गिरजाघर | गिरजा |
🇭🇺 | Templom | Apátság |
🇮🇩 | Gereja | Biara keabasan |
🇮🇹 | Chiesa | Abbazia, Cattedrale (Scribblenauts only), Duomo, Parrocchia |
🇯🇵 | 教会 | 修道院 |
🇰🇷 | 교회 | 교회당, 수도원 |
🇲🇾 | Gereja | |
🇳🇴 | Kirke | Kloster |
🇮🇷 | کلیسا | دیر |
🇵🇱 | Kościół | Opactwo |
🇧🇷 | Igreja | Abadia, Catedral (Scribblenauts only), Capela, Casa de Culto, Paróquia |
🇷🇴 | Biserică | Abație |
🇷🇺 | Церковь | Аббатство, Сацеллум, Часовня, Собор (Scribblenauts only), Кафедральный собор (Scribblenauts only), Капелла, Конвент, Клуатр, монастырь, молитвенный дом, Приход, Ораторий |
🇷🇸 | Црква | Опатија |
🇸🇰 | Kostol | Opátstvo |
🇪🇸 | Iglesia | Abadía, Catedral (Scribblenauts only), Capilla, Oratorio, Parroquia |
🇸🇪 | Kyrka | Kloster, Kyrkobyggnad |
🇹🇭 | โบสถ์คริสต์ | โบสถ์, แอบบีย์ |
🇹🇷 | Kilise | İbadethane, Katedral (Scribblenauts only), Kutsal yer, Manastır, Şapel |
🇺🇦 | Церква | Абатство |
🇻🇳 | Nhà thờ Kitô giáo | Giáo đường, Nhà thánh, Nhà thờ, Thánh đường, Tu viện |
- One way to destroy the church in Scribblenauts Remix level 3-6 is to equip a "molecular glass handheld potion", fly up, and drop it on the Church.