Scribblenauts Wiki

Edwin in Scribblenauts Unlimited


Human, Player, Brother


Follows family



Available in

Scribblenauts Unlimited, Scribblenauts Unmasked, Scribblenauts Showdown, Scribblenauts Mega Pack

Edwin is one of Maxwell's brothers in Scribblenauts Unlimited. He is a farmer.


Edwin is Maxwell's oldest brother and also one of the very first NPCs that you will encounter in the game. His level, Edwin's Farm, is also the first in the game. Edwin is a farmer who happens to know that gathering Starites is the only solution to keep Lily from turning to stone. The first quest in the game involves helping Edwin care for his award-winning pig. Completing his level unlocks him as your first avatar.


Edwin sports a rooster helmet that looks like a farmer's straw hat with a leaf. He wears overalls and a yellow shirt and carries a piece of straw in his mouth. He also wears a green scarf which is hidden behind his head in game, but is clearly shown in the family picture and intro. The picture and intro also depict him wearing white gloves that aren't present in game.


  • One of the purchasable avatars in the mobile port of Scribblenauts Unlimited is a robotic version of Edwin named "Robo Edwin".
  • In Scribblenauts Unlimited, Edwin is the only one of Maxwell's Brothers that requires multiple missions to be cleared in order to be unlocked.
    • This is because Edwin is unlocked through the tutorial, which contains one Starite mission and 2 Starite Shard missions.

