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All of the emotions in Scribblenauts

Emotions are a feature which is available in all of the games. Emotions appear above NPCs when they have a certain emotion towards something. Sometimes emotions are displayed when an object sees another object. In other cases, objects will display a certain emotion related to any adjectives that they may possess. For instance, an object with an adjective that affects its value will display the "money" emotion.


Thirteen known emotions are available in Scribblenauts.

Icon Name Emotion
Guard Protect1 NPC protects object and attacks anyone who attacks object.
Guard2 Guard1 NPC protects object, NPC will attack hostile NPCs


Follow1,2 NPC follows object or NPC
Fight Fight2 NPC attacks object or NPC
Ride Mount1,2 NPC mounts on object


Consume1,2 NPC consumes object


Use/Tool1,2 NPC activates the object or is attracted to object.
Huh Curious2 NPC will look around the object
Sleep Sleep2 NPC will sleep. Can be woken up with sounds or attacks.
Sick Sick2 NPC becomes unconscious and cannot attack
Sad Sad2 NPC becomes sad or lonely (It can also follow you, if it's lonely)
Scared Scared1,2 NPC runs away from the object, But will attack if holding a Weapon.
Emotion Scary Undead NPC will make some other NPCs scared.
Angry Angry1,2 NPC attacks object or be idle (without idle emotion).
Nothing Idle/Neutral/Calm2 NPC will neither attack, defend nor will help others.
GW32H32 Like/Happy2 Some hostile NPCs will cease on fighting, NPC is 'Tame' or pleased.
Sneaky Steal1,2 NPC steals equipment or object from another NPC or surroundings.
  • 1Available in Scribblenauts Level Editor
  • 2Available in Super Scribblenauts

Super Scribblenauts & Scribblenauts Remix

Since objects can have adjectives applied to them in Super Scribblenauts, more various explicit emotions are shown. Several are available and few aren't available in Super Scribblenauts.

Icon Name Emotion
125601 Cut NPC will cut down trees.
Holy Religious NPC will follow religious object
Art Artistic NPC will pick up an artistic object
Petlike Birdlike NPC will have wings or is birdlike
House Family/Masonic NPC will act friendly and family-like to NPC's. In Remix, birds show this to a birdhouse, and people show this to a house.
Potion Acid NPC is 'Alkali' or Frostbreathing or any other science type or term.
Royal Royal NPC will have a crown and observe royal objects.
Dying Dying/Dead/Deadly NPC dies slowly, causes death, or is dead.
Thirsty Thirsty NPC will drink liquids.
Electrtic Electrified NPC will flash and takes damage and attacks, will shock enemies, or is signaling an electrical object.
Happy Funny NPC will turn an NPC friendly or is attracted to a toy.
Evil Evil NPC will fight and steal
Flaming GIF Flaming NPC will be flamed and takes damage and attacks, will fire breath enemies
Flower Flower NPC will pick up flowers or is attracted to flowers
SOCCER Sporty NPC will pick up or signify any sporty objects
Hypnotized Hypnotized/Hypnotizing NPC will be hypnotized and may follow other NPC's, NPC is hypnotic. NPC may also be crazy
Emotion Scary Undead NPC will make some other NPCs scared.
Smart Smart NPC will have a schoolcap.
Toxic Toxic NPC will be poisoned or poisonous.
Godly Angelic/Godly NPC will have a halo and wings. God NPC will follow the angelic NPC.
Strong Strong/invincible NPC has a stronger health, deals more damage, and is significantly larger.
Rich Rich NPC will pick up shiny objects.
Explosive Explosive NPC can be detonated and explode when contact with any attacks, NPC detonates explosive objects
Annoying Annoying NPC will annoy another NPCs, the other NPC becomes angry
Male Male NPC is idle to male NPCs
Female Female NPC is idle to female NPCs
Magical-0 Magical NPC becomes animated and shoots magic
Musical Musical NPCs will show interest in instruments
Mathematical Mathematical NPC shows interest in anything mathematical.
Family Family When two family members are next to one another.
Surprise Surprised NPC will play a scared animation.
Fish Fishy NPC will have a scales and act like a fish.
Food Consumable NPC can be eaten by other NPCs.
Law Law Enforcement When a policeman equips an forensic.
Love Romantic When two NPCs of the opposite are next to each other.
Nirvana Meditative NPCs will investigate temples.
Doglike Doglike NPCs will have fur, and will act like a dog.
Tool Tool When the Construction Worker equips an tool.
Healthy Healthy/Medical NPCs get full life. Doctor equips a medical item.
Scientific Scientific NPCs will equip science equipments.
Military Military NPCs will spawn with a Machine Gun and be hostile towards criminals.
Peaceful Peaceful NPCs will not attack anyone.
Nature Herbivorous/Ecologist NPCs will eat vegetables. NPCs will investigate plants and trees.
Political Political NPCs will investigate politics related people.
Radioactive Radioactive Objects will deal damage to objects close to it.
Religious Mystical NPCs will investigate ancient structures.
Medieval Medieval NPCs will investigate castles and kings.
Glasses Glasses NPCs will spawn wielding glasses.
Not Used Unused Not presented in-game. You can also make one with this and hack the game to add your own emotion.

Scribblenauts Unlimited and Scribblenauts Unmasked

With the addition of the Object Editor many emotions were added to the game, making the characters and objects much more expressive. There are 222 emotion in total in both Scribblenauts Unlimited and Scribblenauts Unmasked.

Object Editor


There are 3 unused emotions found in the game files, they are inaccessible in-game.

Object Editor


  • The reason Scribblenauts use emotions because Fifth Cell and Shiver Entertainment didn't want to have to make millions of different faces for each monster, person, animal, or inanamite object with a living adjective on it.