Scribblenauts Wiki
Genie Female

in Scribblenauts Unlimited


Creature, Friendly, Humanoid




Djinn, Jinn

Available in

Scribblenauts, Super Scribblenauts, Scribblenauts Remix, Scribblenauts Unlimited, Scribblenauts Unmasked, Scribblenauts Showdown, Scribblenauts Mega Pack


Old sprite

The Genie is a spirit of Arabian folklore, frequently depicted as being imprisoned within a bottle or oil lamp and as being capable of granting wishes when summoned.


It takes the appearance of a woman with blue skin and no eyebrows. She is wearing a pink veil and turban with an emerald on it, a brown jacket, a pink bra and matching skirt and a golden belt, bracelets and anklets.


They have 200 health points, it takes damage from fire and get shocked by electricity. Unlike most humanoids creatures, it can't hold stuff. It is a neutral creature, becoming hostile when attacked. Their punch attack deals 5 of damage.

In Scribblenauts, it will die instantly when interacted with, leaving behind a valuable object, such as a ruby or ivory. From Super Scribbleauts onward, they can be interacted with multiple times, it will either:

In Scribblenauts Unmasked they will play the celebrate animation when interacted with. You can summon a genie by emptying an oil lamp. They will investigate people (including the player), protect oil lamps and attack Ifrits.

Male Variant[]

Genie Male

Male Genie

The male genie is wearing a grey turban with a ruby and a feather. He has blue skin, eyebrows, pointy ears and a black beard. He is wearing a grey jacket that leaves his chest and belly exposed, a red belt, blue baggy pants, golden bracelets and pointy shoes.

See Also[]



  • The male version of the Genie is based on the character of the same name from the 1992 Disney animated feature Aladdin.
  • The female version of the Genie is based on the titular character from the TV series I Dream of Jeanie.