Scribblenauts Wiki
Lolwut This page is about the monster; for the fish, see here.

in Scribblenauts Unlimited


Creature, Scary, Undead




Banshee, Energumen, Nightshade (Monster), Shade, Wight

Available in

Scribblenauts, Super Scribblenauts, Scribblenauts Remix, Scribblenauts Unlimited, Scribblenauts Unmasked, Scribblenauts Showdown, Scribblenauts Mega Pack

Ghoul (Monster)

The Ghoul is a legendary evil being that robs graves and feeds on corpses.


He's a blue humanoid creature wearing brown rags and golden jewelry. He has sharp teeth, red eyes and is partially bald, with a scar on his scalp. He has claws instead of hands.


It has 50 health points, weights the same as a man and floats on water. Their punch deals 30 of damage. They are extremely hostile, attacking most NPCs in-game.

They will protect vampires, other ghouls, tombs and graves, becoming hostile if you attack one of these objects. They will try to equip coffins, sarcophagus, although these objects cannot be equipped. They investigate graveyards.

In Scribblenauts, someone punched by a vampire will become a ghoul, however this mechanic was removed in Super Scribblenauts and was never reintroduced again. You can instantly kill a ghoul using holy water or a quantum destabilizer.

Female Variant[]

Ghoul Female

Female Variant

The female ghoul looks very similar to the male ghoul. Except she has longer hair and wears a torn shirt that covers her boobs.

See Also[]



  • They resemble morlocks from writer, H.G Wells' The Time Machine.