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Grave Manor
Grave Manor


After collecting 8 Starites

Doors to



Starite Template x 1


Stariteshard Template x 10

Grave Manor is a haunted mansion. It is infested with Ghosts and monsters, and has Maxwell's twin brothers, Mix and Mox.

Starite Shard

Buried Alive!

Problem: This coffin brings things to life!

Solution: Place any object in the coffin for the gravedigger.

Come Play With Us!

This Starite Shard unlocks both Mix and Mox

Problem: We would love something to play with!

Solution: Give them a toy or apply the adjective 'toy' on an object before giving it to them.

Maxwell's Evil Twin!

Problem: Can you see your reflection?

Solution: Apply the adjective 'clean' on the mirror.

Horror in The Basement!

Problem: The flame keeps me trapped down here!

Solution: Apply the adjective 'wet' on the candle or click on it and press 'turn on/off'

This House is Clean!

Problem: Deliver me from evil!

Solution: Give the priest an angel.

Let's do the Mash!

Problem: Let's have a party!

Solution: Spawn a DJ or play the piano.

Secret Passage!

Problem: What's that behind me?

Solution: Use the spellbook and attack the suit or armor.


Problem: I want to be more frightening!

Solution: Apply the adjective 'scary' on the black widow.


Problem: Reanimate me!

Solution: Apply the adjective 'animated' on the gargoyle.

Bump in the Night!

Problem: Make the attic a bit more spooky!

Solution: Place a ghost in the attic.

Starite: Ghost Hunter!

Description: Find the Ghosts and set them free!

Problem 1: Rid the house of the ghosts who haunt it! First, give Maxwell something to help him see the supernatural!


  • Rid the house of the ghosts who haunt it! First, give Maxwell something to help him see the supernatural!
  • Give Maxwell something with psychic abilities.
  • Give Maxwell a fortune teller.

Solution: Apply the adjective 'psychic' on Maxwell.

Problem 2: Give me three things to play with and I will leave this house.


  • Give me three things to play with and I will leave this house.
  • Give me things that a little girl would play with.
  • Give me a doll, a teddy bear and a puppet.

Solution: Give the girl 3 objects with the adjective toy.

Problem 3: I cannot leave this house until I get the wedding I longed for in life. Give me three things to set me free.


  • I cannot leave this house until I get the wedding I longed for in life. Give me three things to set me free.
  • I'm missing my ring and a wedding party.
  • Give me a bouquet, a groom and a wedding cake.

Solution: Give the bride a ring, a priest and a man

Problem 4: I have been trapped here for quite a long time. Give me three relics of the holy church and I can leave this place.


  • I have been trapped here for quite a long time. Give me three relics of the holy church and I can leave this place.
  • Anything found in a church will do.
  • Give me holy water, a cross and a nun.

Solution: Give the priest a rosary, a chalice and a pew.

Final Problem: I have been in this house the longest of all. Give me three things I wanted in life so I can finally leave.


  • I have been in this house the longest of all. Give me three things I wanted in life so I can finally leave.
  • Give me a weapon, protection and a reason to fight.
  • Give me a sword, a dragon and a princess.

Solution: Give the knight a lance, a horse and shield.


  • The title of Mix and Mox's Starite Shard refers to a quote from the horror movie, The Shining.