Scribblenauts Wiki

Misc shards are Object Shards in Scribblenauts Unlimited. There are 32 of them in all.

Name Description Completion
Don't Forget to Wash Your Hands! Flush an object that is found in a bathroom stall! Spawn a toilet and use it.
It Doesn't Flush! Use an object that transforms a hole in the ground into an outdoor bathroom! Spawn an outhouse and use it.
What did I do? Use an adjective to give something a phobia of Scribblenauts! Spawn a scribblephobic man
Dance Party! Get someone dancing on the checkered surface that people dance on! Spawn a dance floor and a dancer. Put the dancer on the dance floor.
Yo Dawg, I Heard You Like...
Beach Boxing!
Create a common backyard object that is like a beach in a box! Spawn a sandbox.
Make it Rain! Use a stick that is supposed to make it rain! Spawn a rainstick and use it to play sound.
Not so Boring Barn! Barns are always red. Make one more exciting by painting it another color! Spawn a blue barn.
Daycare Day Job! Put someone in the daycare who belongs there! Spawn a daycare and an old man. Put the old man in the daycare.
Light the Fuse and Get Away! Set off an explosive that is a rocket small enough to fit in a bottle! Spawn a bottle rocket and interact with it.
War and Peace! Write the object "War" and give "War" a symbol of peace! Spawn War and a white flag. Give War the white flag.
Who Needs Matches! Use flint to set something on fire! Spawn flint and tinder. Pick up the flint, and use it to burn the tinder.
Scaredy Crow! Frighten a crow with something built to do exactly that! Spawn a crow and a scarecrow near each other.
I'd Like to Thank the Academy! Give a trophy to a professional entertainer to thank them for their work! Spawn an actress and an award. Give the actress the award.
Weaving so Soon? Provide yarn to a person who weaves and see what they create! Spawn yarn and a weaver (human) near each other.
What a Shamrock! Give a small plant that normally has three leaves to a short green creature who appreciates such lucky things! Spawn a leprechaun and a clover near each other.
Cure for the Common Gold! Use magic to turn something only fools find valuable into something truly valuable! Spawn a wand and fools gold. Pick up the wand, and attack the fools gold.
Order in the Court! Create a courthouse along with someone who works in it! Spawn a judge and a courthouse near each other.
Am I to be or not to be a Writer? Offer a sample of your writing for critique by the famous playwright who wrote "Romeo and Juliet"! Spawn Shakespeare and a script near each other.
Hula Hula! Give a hula dancer a specific round toy to help them practice their hula dancing! Spawn a hula dancer and a hula hoop near each other.
Exhibit A! Give some evidence to the person who prosecutes criminals in a court room! Spawn evidence and a lawyer near each other.
As Important as the Line and Wings! Create a toy that is simply a wooden cube! Spawn a block.
Sanctuary Seating! Take a seat on the type of long bench usually found in churches! Spawn a pew and ride it.
Close Your Eyes! Open the chest that is supposed to contain the ten commandments! Spawn the Ark of the Covenant and empty it.
Troy to Look Surprised! Create the large wooden horse the Greeks used in the battle of Troy and then empty it to see what is hiding inside! Spawn the Trojan Horse and empty it.
It's More Fun With the Pieces! Place a chess piece on the board it is played on! Spawn a chess board and a chess piece. Put the chess piece on the chess board.
Waste Not Want Not! Put some paper in the bin that holds the recycling! Spawn a recycling bin and some paper. Put the paper in the recycling bin.
Breaking the Bank! The piggy bank may be holding out on you, break it open to see what's inside! Spawn a piggy bank and a hammer. Pick up the hammer, and attack the piggy bank.
Strike! Use a bowling ball to do what it does best! Spawn a bowling ball and a bowling pin. Pick up the bowling ball, and throw it at the bowling pin.
Clean is a Relative Term! Use a toilet brush to clean something! Spawn a toilet and a toilet brush. Pick up the toilet brush, and clean the toilet.
Table Tennis Menace! Bounce a ping-pong ball on the proper table! Spawn a ping-pong table and a ping-pong ball. Put the ping pong ball on the table.
Aced! Use a racket to hit a ball used in sports! Spawn a racket and a tennis ball. Pick up the racket, and hit the tennis ball.
Nap Time! Relax in a type of bed that often hangs between two trees! Spawn a hammock and ride it.


  • The shard Yo dawg, I heard you like... is a reference to "Xzbit Yo Dawg".
  • The shard As important as the line and wings! is a reference to a poem written by Darkness78.
  • The shard Close your eyes! is an Indiana Jones reference.
  • The shard Troy to look surprised! is a reference to the Iliad by Homer.