Scribblenauts Wiki
Pied Piper
Pied Piper

The male Pied Piper in Scribblenauts Unlimited


Human, Entertainment, Musician


Neutral, aggressive towards children (Pre-Unlimited), neutral toward children (Post-Unlimited), stops people from attacking by playing a song (Post-Unlimited)


Jester (Pre-Unlimited), Gleeman

Available in

Scribblenauts, Super Scribblenauts, Scribblenauts Remix, Scribblenauts Unlimited, Scribblenauts Unmasked, Scribblenauts Showdown, Scribblenauts Mega Pack

The Pied Piper is the hero of Hamelin, a poem by Robert Browning (1842), based on an old German legend. The piper, dressed in particolored costume, rid the town of Hamelin in Brunswick of rats by enticing them away with his music, and when refused the promised payment he lured away the children of the citizens.

He spawns holding a flute.

Female Variant[]

Pied Piper Female

Female Pied Piper

The female variant is almost the same, aside from differently shaped hair.
